Sunday, February 14, 2010

Formerly known as...

I'm finally back! The idea that I originally had for this blog just wasn't working for me so I took a little hiatus to focus on other things. Formerly known as Food For Models, I had intended this blog as a sort of informational resource for those looking to get into the industry. It got a little too stressful trying to come up with "lesson plans". So here I am, back with a new name, one that will encompass both my photography experiences and my work as a professional hula hoop dancer. YAY! Hopefully I'll still think to incorporate tips into my photo posts as so many of you expressed how much the previous tips have helped. =)

Since last posting, I've moved from the beautiful but cold state that is Michigan to the upcountry of South Carolina! The main motivation for moving here was to help fuel the cirkus movement in an unsuspecting city. I'd say SUCCESS! In addition to my photography work and performing, I'm also designer/moderator of Thee Inner Cirkus's blog as well. Check it out! Our designated blogger would be my FIANCE Andy aka Greenman.. Yep, I'm engaged!

It happened early December the evening that Cirque Du Soleil had so wonderfully decided to grace our city. =) I thought seeing Cirque's show Alegria WAS the surprise, but no no no! After the show, Andy took my hands, his shaking, and proposed. He'd spoken so quietly my first response was "What?", to which he repeated the question. I don't know that I ever officially said yes but I think I had time to nod my head before tears took over. Naturally, being the sap that I am, I proceeded to cry and repeat "really?" for the next 45 minutes. Several of our friends were in attendance at the show as well, one, little miss Modisette, was in on it! OH, and the ring?!

I had not-so-subtely lead Andy into a jewelry/gemstone store a couple weeks previous, dropping hints like bombs. I had myself sized so that there wouldn't be any guesswork and chose a stone. Mystic Topaz. ♥ The ring that he presented to me was PERFECT! The tear-shaped stone I now say symbolically represents the many I shed from happiness that eve. =)

So now we're in the process of planning a wedding, Long distance albeit as the ceremony and reception will be in our homestate of Michigan...

Anywho, moving to Greenville...I have an entirely new appreciation for vintage! Much thanks to The Clothing Warehouse for employing Andy and opening our eyes. As a photographer, The Clothing Warehouse is a great resource for me to get inspiration for styling. Not to mention the employees are cooler than a polar bears toe nails. Yea, I said it.

In addition to cirkus antics like performing, selling hoops and teaching lessons, I also do work for McAuley's Unique Boutique in Anderson doing product photos. It's not as boring as it sounds, I swear! I love clothes as much as the next girl and this gig has introduced me to some fabulous faces.
Case and point, Katie Barrs:
If you are a photographer, stylist or make-up artist in the area, you should be working with Katie. Stunning features, great attitude and very natural body language. :D

Alright, information overload? End post. I'll be updating again VERY soon. Scouts honor.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!

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