Saturday, April 25, 2009

Storms of Spring

As the gorgeous thunderstorm that is rocking Detroit right now keeps me inside, I figure this is as a good a time as any to get the hard part of this blog over with: Why did I create this blog, what purpose does it really serve and who am I to give models advice?

I am a 23 y/o photographer and my forte has become photographing models of the female specie. I've been at this for a while and I suppose my official status falls somewhere between freelance and professional. Sometimes I get paid, most of the time I don't because $ is not my driving force. Creating an image that speaks of the individuals character, that expresses a new facet of their personality, that is what drives me. The faces are only the beginning, body language follows and attitude conquers all. Art for arts sake.

In the several years that I have been photographing models, I've found that even the seasoned models have questions sometimes or need a little direction. After so long, I wound up with a pocket full of advice and quick tips that I use during nearly every shoot. Many of the models new to the scene confess that they'd happily take all the direction they can get! Many come to me and say, "Nobody every told me that, Thanks!" or "That's what that means!".

My goal for this blog is to make mention of the little things, or the really big things, that models are just magically expected to know. Maybe by way of this blog, models of the universe will gain all the secret knowledge that has been lost to them and become the beautiful leaders of the human race. Or, maybe they will pick up on something that makes their next photo shoot a tiny bit more of success. *shrugs*

Now, an opportunity for shameless self-promotion.
To see samples of my work, you can follow any of the links below:

If you have any questions regarding modeling, I am taking topic suggestions for future posts. I aim to serve. =)

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